Sunday, July 3, 2011

Identification of Feathers, Sketches

Ever since taking Jane LaFabio''s workshop at Random Arts, I have been sketching and doing little watercolors. Here are the latest ones. The one at top is a little ceramic sculpture and its box that we fell in love with at the Harvey B. Gantt Center for African American Art and History.

These feathers have been deposited in our garden over the years. Not sure what birds left them behind. I suspect that the bottom one is from a white breasted nuthatch. The blue one is probably from a blue bird. We have lots of them. The two black and white speckled ones might be from downy woodpeckers. I am really puzzled by the yellow tipped feather. Is it a cedar waxwing, a yellow bellied sapsucker, or what?

Identity of feathers would be greatly appreciated.

The drum was one of Don's first Christmas presents, given to him by an aunt and uncle who went to Cherokee. It is about 70 years old from when little gifts could be bought for children that were not imported. The top and bottom of the drum are leather, the side is bark. The lashings are leather thongs. Both top and bottom have painted designs on them.



  1. Yea!! LOVE seeing that you're continuing your sketching and watercolor!!

  2. Jane, given as good a teacher as you are, you make it easy. Nancy
