Friday, November 27, 2009

My DH Has a Sense of Humor

We celebrated Thanksgiving by having friends bring their favorite Thanksgiving dish to share. We provided turkey, dressing, gravy, cranberry relish and coffee. Sharing is my idea of a great way to celebrate.

Don wanted folks to be in a festive mood upon arrival, so he created some humor to welcome them. At our walk, he dressed up our concrete rabbit as the Eveready Bunny disguised as a turkey. Note the ultra suede wattles dropping from the gourd beak and the real turkey feathers attached to a gourd tail. Don raids my fabric stash as necessary for his artwork.

Eveready always has his drum, so check out the drum and drum stick as well.

And at the front door, he disguised our concrete toads as turkeys as well -- but are they cows disguised as toads in turkey costumes? When he brought the turkey toads in to show me, I laughed for at least 5 minutes before I had him take them away so I could get back to work.

A friend brought his 6 and a 1/2 year old granddaughter to see the display. She figured that the rabbit was really a chicken, disguised as a rabbit in a turkey costume.
You can see more of Don's work at
A little laughter is good for the soul.
Wishing you joy and laughter.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Small Works Underway

Rhoddy Small

Having completed a series of work all about size 38'' x 28'', I figured it was time to do something smaller to put in a local art show for small works for gifts. I want to use essentially the same style of work, just more close up and smaller. These are all going to be small enough to fit into an 11'' x 14'' frame. This design is inspired by the seed pods of the rhododendron tree.

Pine Small

People unfamiliar with fiber art seem more comfortable with work that is framed. This will be an experiment to see if they sell for Christmas.
Creating the templates and inking the pine cone was a challenge. This is a trial piece for a larger work. What do you think?

Juniperus Small

These little works went really fast because I printed the designs directly onto Quilter's Freezer Paper Sheets by C & T Publishing. I will use this product alot more. They are cut to run through a standard printer and made creating my freezer paper templates for inking the design really easy.

Let me know what you think of these designs.

Keep Quilting