Saturday, February 5, 2011

Mockingbird's Larder

Mockingbird's Larder
was a real joy to create. I started with photographs of the deciduous holly trees taken at the Mint Museum in Charlotte. The berries hold onto the branches late into the winter long after the leaves drop.
Looking closely at the junctures of the berries to the stems, there are these interesting little knots at the base of the stems. Seems to me that they probably are where berries have been in the past. And then there are little leaf buds along the stems as well. The tree's past, present and future is visible right there. Love how this really portrays the continuity of life.

Here in the Southeast USA, the Mockingbird likes to find a source of winter food and stand guard over it, running away any competition for the berries. But just as the berries ripen in the winter, a flock of Cedar Waxwings, or American Robins will descend and strip the berries before moving on -- raiding the Mockingbird's larder. Such is life.

Just had the quilt photographed by Deidre Adams. She was able to get the full piece well lit and professionally pulled out of the background, skills I have yet to master.


  1. The orange is so beautiful... another piece to love. I wish you had a show in New England!

  2. Vivika, what a lovely thought. Sounds like a goal for 2012. Lining up exhibits for next year is one of my next items for the do-list for my Visioning goal.

    Anyone know of a venue that might be interested?

    Thanks again, Nancy
